BACKLASH DOCS GAME DESCRIPTION 1. This is a fast action arcade game. 2. Objective is High-Score. 3. Radar/Sights head-up display shows enemy locations. 4. Action is continuous with increasing difficulty. 5. Five lives to start. Extra life awarded for every 10,000 points. HELPFUL HINTS 1. Turn towards enemy sighted on radar. 2. Keep moving. GAME LOAD INSTRUCTIONS Connect joystick through Port 2. Switch on disk drive and monitor. Place Game Disk in drive 0. Switch on computer and Backlash will autoload. Press the joystick fire button once to start the game. CONTROLS FIRE MISSILES - Press joystick fire button. TRAVEL - By the joystick as shown. PAUSE GAME - Press `DEL` key. To restart press any key. QUIT GAME - Press `HELP` key. FORWARD TURN | TURN LEFT \ | / RIGHT \ | / ROTATE \ | / ROTATE LEFT <----------------+----------------> RIGHT / | \ REVERSE / | \ REVERSE TURN / | \ TURN LEFT | RIGHT REVERSE END.